Lenny Ravich
I Just Know IT

I Just Know IT

November 4, 2022

Hi dear reader. I’m Lenny Ravich the author of “Everlasting Optimism” and a Humorous, Inspirational Keynote Speaker in Hong Kong and London. I’m 86 and to tell you like it is, it’s been a great ride with all the ups and downs. Like, if there is no “down”, there is no “up”. Get it?

I Just Know It

Have you ever had that intuitive feeling of, “I just know it?” When you entered the party and saw that guy in the black sweater you might have felt, “He’s going to be my husband. I just know it.” Or after the interview something deep inside said, “That’s my job and my future. I just know it.”

Recognizing our spiritual side means being able to tell the difference between the “noise” in our heads and the “wise voice” deep in our gut.

The Power Within

On November 5, 1965, I was a single fellow teaching English as a second language in a high school on Israel’s southern border town on the Gulf of Aqaba called Eilat. It was on this momentous day, Friday at 3:04 pm that I heard (or felt) a voice telling me that my future wife was at the beach waiting for me. “Crazy”, I told myself. “This spontaneous feeling is ridiculous…a hallucination at the least. Am I going nuts?”

Yet, despite these doubts about some inner voice or experience, or whatever it was, I was compelled to listen and off to the beach I went. Then I came back within a few minutes to change into my blue shirt because on my way, this wise voice told me my wife loves the color blue. Why am I so agreeable? Yet, despite my reservations, what was the worst thing that could happen? A little autumn sun and relaxation? So I sat at the edge of the Red Sea waiting for my next set of instructions.

I watched as two young beauties, laughing playfully while speaking Swedish emerged from the sea and sat down across from me. I asked myself, “Could one of these lovelies, (or both) be my upcoming treasure? “Don’t get excited. Your wife is another” I intuited. I kept thinking that this whole circus is getting more and more absurd by the second.

So I did what my mother always told me to do when I was a kid and I shut up! It was then that I heard my imminent wife’s voice. She was explaining to some tourist from Canada how to get to a village in the north. “Bingo! That’s her,” the something, whatever it was, deep inside instructed. So I walked over to her and smiled. She smiled back and everything else disappeared. We were married six weeks later on December 21, 1965. By the way, maybe by the time you read this we will have been married 57 years.

The Wise Voice

I have discovered that when I am connected to the “wise voice” which happens the moment that I care to remember that I am constantly glued to a higher spirit, I get a rush of wellbeing and joy.  When I forget this blessed connection, and begin listening to my head telling me what I should or should not do, rather than what my inner guide tells me what I need to do, I feel weak and sometimes in pain. To engage energy, all I have to do is concentrate on the awareness deep inside. I try to stay in touch with what my present thought and feeling is and take action out of honor for the holy guidance I am receiving at that moment.

I never walk out on stage during my comical and inspirational keynotes in Hong Kong and London without consultation with my higher self. There is excitement and joy being connected as I engage with my audience. It’s not me doing anything anyway as I surrender to my powerful life-force.

I believe we all have access to this potent vitality and well-being within once we choose to listen, feel and differentiate this divine voice (the flow) from the noise (should, shouldn’t). If we succeed in that, we could finally stop shoulding on ourselves, couldn’t we?

Will you take up the challenge to go in and listen to your greater power right now? Of course you will. I Just know it.

Stay in touch and let me know how it’s going for you.



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